Welcome to a different view on Pregnancy and Birth!
I hope to inspire women to see their bodies a beautiful and capable vessels in childbirth. To see the end of the oppression of women in birthing situations by hospitals, Obs, and midwives. To see birth how God intented it to be...intimate.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
A Bitter-Sweet Experience
Last Sunday I witnessed the most incredible experience ever. I was privileged to act as a birth support person to a wonderful couple expecting their second child. Marie (names have been changed to protect identity) called me late Saturday evening to say that after being 2 weeks past date she was now in labor. Since I was 2 hours away, I told her I would be heading her way immediately. It was a quiet drive and I was extremely excited. When I reached their house Marie was still coping well with contractions. We sat down and chatted for awhile and noticed that Marie had to focus more on the contractions. I also noticed that her husband was quite tired as it was about 2am at this time. I asked him if he wanted to catch a nap and that I would take good care of Marie. He thought that was a good idea but before he laid down we got the pool set up. While her husband was snoozing Marie rested in the pool herself, occasionally taking sips of water and eating a mango popsicle. While the pool seemed to intensify her contractions, they were now not as frequent. So after an hour or so Marie climbed out of the pool and went upstairs to the room she had set up to labor in. The contractions at this time seemed to take all her focus but still were not close together. For hours she labored like this. This completely caught me off guard because I assumed she would have a fairly quick labor. Guess I was wrong! After another helper arrived I took that time to lay down for awhile. Marie's contractions caused her to vomit a lot, but she kept hydrated by drinking coconut water, which really helped. Seeing that the contractions were not coming closer together I whispered to her husband that Marie should try a shower and see if that changes anything. So Marie headed to the shower and we (the other birth attendant and I) let Marie and her husband enjoy some quiet time together. When her husband would have to go to tend to their 3 yr old we kept a close eye on Marie. After Marie got out of the shower the contractions had picked up. She was no longer getting a break from them at all. She was pacing and breathing through the contractions very well. She started to make some sounds which immediately let me know that she is getting ready to push. I rushed around and retrieved the hot water bottle and baby clothes, wash clothes and towels. We gathered round her as she began to push. As she pushed her waters broke and we noticed that their was quite a bit of meconium, this made me a little nervous and so I asked whether she wanted to birth the baby in the pool (babies who are born under water don't breath until they are brought up to the air) as I was worried the baby would breath in some of the meconium, which would not be good. Although I told them to trust their gut, it was up to them. Marie wanted to stay, so I prayed "Lord let this baby be ok". Soon baby's head was born, nice and pink and she was starting to make gurgley sounds and then Marie pushed once more and their little girl was born into her daddy's arms. She was pink and still making sounds so I just told her daddy to keep her head down a bit so the mucus could drain. Marie had been on her hands and knees while she birthed her baby so we settled her down into a position so she could feed her little girl. By this time baby was crying really well, which was music to our ears! She latched on like a pro and nursed heartily. I felt blessed to be a part of this beautiful experience and am truly glad I was there. During the process of Marie's birth I noticed myself having cramps (I was 10 weeks pregnant) and then I noticed that I was bleeding. After Marie had her baby I started to bleed more, so I told the other birth helper that I needed to go home. On my way home the cramps intensified and later that night I passed my baby. It was really hard, I didn't want to lose another baby. Ironically it was 2 yrs ago to the very date that I had had a miscarriage when I was 5 weeks pregnant. I wish the birth could have just been about the birth instead of me having a miscarriage as well..
This post is all over the place and I apologize for that but I wanted to recall the experiences before I forgot.
This post is all over the place and I apologize for that but I wanted to recall the experiences before I forgot.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Suprise! Unassisted Birth of Twins!
Here is a really neat story of a very quick unassisted birth of twins.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Julesy's VBAC Birth Story (narrated by Daddy)
Wow these parents really stood up to what they wanted!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Unassisted, Surprise Breech Birth of Serenity
Here is a story of a mom who had a unassisted breech birth, beautiful story!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Humanizing Birth
I like the analogy Dr Marsden Wagner makes..it make a lot of sense, here's his quote:
"Having a highly trained gynecological surgeon attend a normal birth is analogous to having a pediatric surgeon baby-sit a normal two-year old child. It would be a waste of the pediatric surgeon's time and skills and, when the young child gets tired and fussy, the surgeon might be tempted inappropriately to use drugs, where a properly trained baby-sitter would soothe the baby with a variety of non-medical techniques---the medicalisation of normal childhood similar to the medicalisation of normal birth. High CS rates are a symbol of the lack of humanization of birth." Marsden Wagner MD
You can read the full article here
"Having a highly trained gynecological surgeon attend a normal birth is analogous to having a pediatric surgeon baby-sit a normal two-year old child. It would be a waste of the pediatric surgeon's time and skills and, when the young child gets tired and fussy, the surgeon might be tempted inappropriately to use drugs, where a properly trained baby-sitter would soothe the baby with a variety of non-medical techniques---the medicalisation of normal childhood similar to the medicalisation of normal birth. High CS rates are a symbol of the lack of humanization of birth." Marsden Wagner MD
You can read the full article here
Monday, September 6, 2010
I Love Nursing My Baby!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Pitocin's untold impact
Well I knew that Pitocin wasn't good for anyone..I must admit I never considered that it might have an impact on the child later on in life...Something to think about...Please read:
Pitocin's untold impact
Pitocin's untold impact
Friday, August 6, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
An Inspiring Birth after 3 C-sections
Truly amazing, stories like these give me hope :)
A Doula's Journey to Vaginal Birth after Three C-sections
Here's a story of a toddler helping his mom who suprisingly delivers her 4th a vba3c at home on the couch!
Vba3c at home
A Doula's Journey to Vaginal Birth after Three C-sections
Here's a story of a toddler helping his mom who suprisingly delivers her 4th a vba3c at home on the couch!
Vba3c at home
Monday, July 19, 2010
Today is My VBAC boy's 12th Birthday!!
Twelve years ago today I victoriously birthed my son! It was an amazing experience to feel him being born and to have the unbearable urge to push him out. Also the recovery was great! I was up and running around in no time! My poor sleep deprived husband looked worse then I did! It was a hospital birth because I didn't really know to much about homebirths and midwives let alone unassited birth. His birth was definately a powerful defining moment in my life..But what came after his birth made me distrust the medical field. I had just birthed this beautiful, healthy 7lbs9oz baby boy and got to look in to his beautiful blue eyes for just a moment when the nurses decided to whisk him away so I could shower..to this day I regret that. Because I had no clue where they took him and what they did to him. My husband never even go to hold his newborn son. The next day was no better..the nurses told me I could go shower and they would look after my baby. So I naively went and showered and from the shower could here the screams of my son. So without even drying off I quickly put on my clothes and discovered the nurse (who had a guilty look on her face) poking my sons heel for his PKU test. I would later discover that there is a much better way to do this test..Midwives often warm up the heel first and then while the baby is nursing they do a little prick and because the heel is warm the blood flows much easier, avoiding the possibility of needing to reprick the heel.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Ultrasounds..Safe? or Seriously harmful?

"It is ironic that women who have had previous miscarriages often have additional ultrasound examinations in order to "reassure" them that their baby is developing properly. Few are told of the risks of miscarriage or premature labour or birth."
-Beverley Lawrence Beech,
Ultrasound: Weighing the Propaganda Against the Facts
In my gut I always had this sense that ultrasounds were not as "safe" as I was led to believe. Before getting an ultrasound do your research! To have an ultrasound IS to be subjecting yourself and your unborn baby to non-ionizing radiation.
Is there a time where an Ultrasound is warranted? There may be..But make sure the tech only uses an abdominal probe not the transvaginal probe, and make sure the ultrasound is done quickly therefore minimizing the exposure.
Ultrasound: More Harm than Good Remember that an ultrasound is a flawed man-made device that can be as acurate as carbon dating (which is Not accurate at all!)
Adoption, a child born in your Heart
It's true I have nine wonderful children and all but one I have conceived and born. However it's our sixth child who came to us in his desperate time of need...who has taught me so much. His mom passed away leaving him alone he was only four. So much to deal with at such a young age. My husband and I let the Lord lead us into taking him into our lives and our home. I too was raised by a family that was not my birth family, so now I have the view of the adopted parent as well as the child. It has taught me alot. He needed us and I needed him :) I am so blessed to have him in our home and thank the Lord for him.
Romans 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Galations 4:5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
Am I??? the joys and frustrations of pregnancy tests :0
The one thing about leaving your fertility in the hands of Our Loving Creator..is that you constantly wonder if your pregnant or not..well at least I DO!!! :) Here is a funny yet educational site about those wonderful but annoying pieces of equipment called the "pregnancy test"
It's good to know I'm not the only woman on this planet that's taken a million tests..can you say obsessed!!
It's good to know I'm not the only woman on this planet that's taken a million tests..can you say obsessed!!
Friday, April 2, 2010
A Long time in the Making

The idea of a "Better Birth a Better Bond" came to me after I have seen and experienced a wide spectrum of births. Personally I have had possibly two unnecesary c-sections, one necessary c-section, three unecessary inductions, one natural birth in hospital and one beautiful homebirth. First I was naive, being only 17 I really had no idea of what a birth experience in a big city hospital would be like. After 14 hours of labor an infection and a c-section following I had a much better idea. I spent many months after the birth of my son wondering why my body couldn't birth him. His birth made me decide that I would try to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after ceasaren). So 18mths later in a smaller city hospital..I victoriously birthed my second son! I had a VBAC..it was the most powerful feeling, knowing what I had just accomplished. I felt so much better too. This birth was what I dreamed of at the time, however the interaction with the nurses and my newborn son following is what made me distrust hospitals and their staff. The nurses removed my completely healthy baby and took him "somewhere" for two hours and did "something" with him for that time..To this day (almost 12 years later) I still don't know what was going on. My husband finally demanded that our son be returned to us. It was after my 2nd son's birth that I began searching out midwifery and homebirths. When I became pregnant for the third time I went to see the local midwives and I knew this is what I wanted. I had a lovely home birth with my first daughter, words can not describe how happy both me and my husband were. The midwives explained to us during all my appointments what certain test were for and whether they were necessary or not. It was a completely different experience with midwives as opposed to O.Bs the midwives actually listened and provided information. Well that birth went so well that I soon found out I was pregnant again about three months later. Went back to the same midwives, unfortunately this time there was a new midwife (a previous O.B nurse) who didnt share my grassroots philosophy and right away I could sense it and so could my husband. Sad to say the birth of my fourth child my second daughter was on of the worst experiences I have had. Firstly my waters had broken so this midwife was panicking and shipped us off to the hospital..but my daughter was not ready to be born yet so no labor had started. They gave me pictocin and nothing happened except me getting very tired. Meanwhile my midwife just left us in the hands of a very overbearing O.B...my midwife just vanished.We never saw her again. So the next morn they started up the pitocin again and it worked followed by very painful contractions followed by gas and demerol and nurses and the O.B. yelling push push push! Followed by a grey baby with cord around the neck and apgars of 2..She pinked up quickly but I felt sad and confused and my marriage was also affected. My faith in midwifery was gone, crushed. We at that time were not planning on having anymore children but 5 months later we found out we were having number 5. We had moved to a different area and I wasn't sure what I was going to do as far as prenatal care.. I had this crazy idea of just doing it on our own..but that was crazy right? So I did some searching around and found a midwife who seemed very down to earth. Once again however I had PROM (premature rupture of membranes) so my homebirth plans went out the window and I was induced and delivered a little girl at a small rural hospital. I suffered from post-partum depression (ppd) after this birth so my husband went and got a vasectomy which made the ppd even worse. It almost destroyed our marriage. But thanks to a Loving God and His plan for us..He healed our marriage and we knew that my husband had to have a reversal. So three years after the vasectomy was done, my husband had it reversed and five months later I was pregnant!. I went back to my previous midwife I thought things would be better but they weren't. At 36 weeks my waters broke and because I was so early I had to go back to that small city hospital that I detested so much. I was once again induced and birthed a 6lbs 11 oz baby boy..The birth was not what I wanted but I had a beautiful baby boy which I had been hoping for, for such a long time. Five months later I found out I was pregnant again..Silly me went back to the same midwife..even though the thoughts of unassisted birth were even heavier in my mind. Well wouldnt you know my waters broke again, so my midwife came over and discovered my son was a footling breech. So she made a call to the bad small city hospital where the same overbearing OB who had delivered my daughter was on call. The O.B said to my midwife that I needed to come in an ambulance and have a c-section. I called my husband cause he was at work and he didn't want me to take the ambulance, but my midwife did not listen and called the ambulance any way. To make a long story short I had a c-section, I first thought is was the right decison but later I watched and read about successful vaginal breech births and wished I hadn't had that c-sec. Five months later I was expecting again but had a miscarriage and five months after that miscarriage I was expecting again..This time I did not go to a doctor or a midwife I had an unassisted pregnancy in which I weighed myself, did my own urinalylisis, took my blood pressure, listened to fetal heart tones with a fetoscope and measured fundal height all on my own. I had a great pregnancy. My waters broke in a big gush 2 days after my due date and contractions started. I was in labor for about 24 hours and I sadly realized that this baby was stuck and not moving down..So we made the painful drive to a local hospital, where the staff was very friendly and not judgemental and I had my third c-section because my little boy was stuck in a transverse position. I'm still glad I went with the unassisted pregnancy even though I ended up with a c-section. My baby was 8lbs 1oz and born hungry! He nursed really well. So this is my history of all my births I hope to explain in more detail why I am passionate about natural pregnancies and birth...uninterferred with.
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