It has been a long journey getting to the point of having a VBA3C (vaginal birth after 3 c-sections) but it was worth every bit.
Our 10th child, wee little Seth Nicholas was born Jan 1st weighing 6lbs 13oz.
After experiencing a week of prodromal labor, the real deal began at 4:30am Dec 31st which was my "due date".
I knew these contractions were authentic because they had that pain that resided around my hips. Contractions were about 3 mins apart and stayed that way for until my waters broke. I labored around the house with my husband and our 9 children around and at 4pm decided I wanted to rest in the water tub we had set up and there I stayed and my husband occasionally added more hot water. The contractions were very painful around my hips so I suspected that our little guy was posterior. At around 10:30pm I was discouraged and really thought that this birth might be another c-section. My husband called different hospitals and we decided to go with a small city hospital we had birthed the majority of our other children at. The plan was to get an epidural and wait for 2 hrs and see what happened. I didn't want to make a decision to have a c-section based on my pain and discomfort. So we headed out and it didn't surprise me that we met a police check that night considering it was New Years Eve but the road check went fine. When we arrived at the hospital I was very eager to get out of the sitting position and so I hopped out of the car as fast as I could. As soon as I stood up my water broke with a vengeance! It was so forceful that it scared me and I screamed at my husband. After that I knew labor was going to pick up in intensity and boy oh boy was I right. The walk to the labor and delivery ward seemed to take forever and I was briefly worried that I might deliver this baby in the elevator. When I got into the hospital bed we told the Dr on call our plans, and to our shock and utter amazement she said that it was completely up to us! We were prepared for negativity and a fight but thanks to God none of that happened. They did a quick ultrasound to make sure the placenta was not in the way, and it was good. It took an excruciating 45 mins for the anesthesiologist to get there. When I got the epidural i was finally able to relax and 2hrs later I was fully dilated. Even with the epidural I felt a lot of pressure so pushing was no problem. Out he came I was surprised how tiny he was, the Dr respected our desire to leave his cord intact until it stopped pulsating. My placenta came out with no problems and I didn't hemorrhage at all. I kept looking at my beautiful little boy and at my strong loving husband in amazement, I actually had pushed out our son! I was so happy!
I believe that even though we didn't have the homebirth we had wanted God worked it all out and i am very happy He did.
Congratulations! How inspiring! So the doctor who delivered wasn't a backup doctor whom you had seen before? I would expect at least some resistance! What a pleasant surprise. He is simply beautiful. Those smaller babies seem to stay "babies" longer (big plus!).
ReplyDeleteThank you! I had never saw this doctor before, it was indeed a blessing!