Welcome to a different view on Pregnancy and Birth!

I hope to inspire women to see their bodies a beautiful and capable vessels in childbirth. To see the end of the oppression of women in birthing situations by hospitals, Obs, and midwives. To see birth how God intented it to be...intimate.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fetal Positioning, Spinning Babies and the Trochanter Roll

Many labors are long and painful because the baby is mispositioned in the mother's pelvis. In a hospital situation a c-section is usually the end result. But thanks to a great website like Spinning Babies, there are ways to turn and unstick a baby who is mispositioned. The Trochanter Roll is a way of getting the babies head to engage in the mother's pelvis.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

UBA2C :)

HERE is a touching story of a mom with 2 previous c-sections, and after having fertility issues along with 3 miscarriages finally having an unassisted birth of her baby girl.